First off, let me say a big, belated, thank you to
Pam, of yoborobo, for the unthinkable bwahahahahhaa. Pam so sweetly gave me a Kreativ Blogger (I just typed Bloooger, much more fitting for me!) Award! She gave me the award a bit ago and I was all a dither and then I was felled by the dental work from hoohah and am only finally getting around to saying thank you.
Can you imagine?! Me! Thank you thank you thank you Pam, you are such a sweet and dear soul and I so appreciate you noticing me (borrowing from Tigger) and being such a dear and darling and fun blogging friend!
Let me say that I am painfully (PAINFULLY) shy. I don't know which I dread more, simply talking, or talking about myself. Oh! Yes, I do know ... it's talking about myself!!! Hands down.
I'm supposed to tell you seven things that you don't know about me but I can only come up with those two at the moment ... shy as the day is long and boring too teehee! I will have to think on this and I promise to sprinkle in some more about me as the days roll on here.
And secondly! I just went over to Pam's to copy the Kreativ Blogger Award graphic and I noticed a post of hers I hadn't read during my time on my death bed recovering from the dental work from hoohah AND ... gee willikers! She's gone and done it again! :)

Pam! You are the sweetest person! I would give you a big squishy hug if I could. I am sending you a big virtual one. Thank you thank you thank you my friend for the Deborah Award. You made me all smiley and weepy and made my day!
Since I'm such a silly goose about talking about myself, I thought maybe I'd show some Halloween pictures from years past instead.
We made our first altar for Dia de los Muertos last year. The pattern for the papel picado is available at the Toymaker. The charming skeleton is from sewing stars. ARGH! I'm so embarrassed, I can't remember where the skull is from??? If someone remembers, please let me know so I can credit the artist or website.
The ToymakerScroll down to about the third row for the papel picado PDF's.
Sewing Stars Skeleton
For some reason this site won't come up for me right now???

I made a Halloween garland for Halloween 2006. It's made with newsprint pages and cardstock. I had fun stitching the newsprint onto the black cardstock, first time I had ever done that.
I found the darling ghost paper chain template online and I have tried to hunt it down but haven't been successful yet dagnabbit. I will post it here if I finally find it. My apologies for forgetting yet another source. :(