Friday, April 16, 2010

Feeling bookish part deux

Book Club Girl

Book Girl's Nightstand

Books and Chocolate

Books at Home

Bookmark Collector



Fun book stuff...

Jane Mount, paintings of what's on your bookshelf, found via Indie Fixx and Design Sponge.

Quotes about books/reading from Brainy Quote.

Quotes about books/reading from the Quote Garden

Antique books on Flickr

The Bookshelf Project on Flickr

Book Addicts on Flickr

Bookplates on Flickr

(on Flickr here)

(on Flickr here)

(on Flickr here)


  1. Thank you for those wonderful links! I love the bookplates too. :)

  2. Oh, I love those bookplates! I am so far behind on my reading it isn't even funny. It doesn't stop me from getting new books, mind you! xoxo Pam

  3. Wow, these look so fun; I will definitely check them out! I love books, I have a stack near my night stand. Time to get busy and squeeze in a few minutes, daily! I love to read, but it has take a back seat. Thanks for the gentle reminder! I, also love the book plates~

  4. Hi Valerie! You're welcome, aren't they fun?!
    Happy Monday!

  5. Hi Pam! Make sure you read the second one, it's a curse teehee! How many times have you lent a book and never gotten it back - here's the curse for it. :)
    Happy Monday!

  6. Hi Ellie!
    I can't remember, it was either on flickr or on google, but there are tons of photos of peoples To Be Read piles. I love books. So much that even pictures of books make me happy. :)
    Happy Monday!
