edited to add: I didn't know that today is Boobquake! How did I not hear about this?! To cut to the chase, some cleric in Iran said that immodestly dressed women cause earthquakes (or something like that, I'm late to the controversy teehee!). If I'm understanding correctly, we are all supposed to show a bit of decolletage today, for the sake of science.
stumbled upon Boobquake on
dsharp blogdirected to
CBS News from dsharp blog
directed to creator of Boobquake experiment blog,
Blag Hag from dsharp blog
Ladies, get out those wonder bras, certainly this call to action cannot go unanswered!!! bwahahhahahha
I've started a list of my Monday blog love links for myself, in the hopes that I won't include any that I previously had listed ... my chin dropped to the floor ... I've listed more than 850 blogs ... (that's just on Monday entries, doesn't include any other entries or my side bar). WOW! And there's no slowly down ... there are always more more more to be delighted by. :)
art and lemonsBeautiful ArtEl Taller de Punto de Cruz de Mariaemma lambeveryday musingsFlower Hill FarmgreteliesHoney Girl StudioInking Pinkjessica swiftJulie Whitmore PotteryKard KrazyLa Fuji MamaNovel EatsOia SantoriniOne Tribe Gourmetsea salt with foodun conte de campagneVita Lenta nel Bel PaeseWhat Anna LovesWhisk KidWish on a Whisker
We went to the (Los Angeles Times sponsored) Festival of Books at UCLA this Saturday and Sunday. Two days, one girl, one guy, tickets in hand to seven of the panels, twenty five+ authors, then book signings, walking walking walking, funky ankle, bum knee, one aching back and little nourishment on Day Two and we're still alive. WAHOO! This is the life!
Our Saturday panels:
"Water: The Past, Present and Future of our Most Precious Resource", with Thomas Curwen, Michael Hiltzik, Jenny Price, Steve Solomon and D.J. Waldie.
Article about panel from LA Times blog.
"America: In Hope or In Crisis?" with Patt Morrison, Mark Danner, John W. Dean and Tom Hayden.
"Haiti and Recovery From Disaster" with Davan Maharaj, Mark Danner, Rebecca Solnit and Amy Wilentz.
Article about the panel from LA Times blog.
Our Sunday panels:
"Does the American Economy Have a Future?" with Jan Wiener, Joyce Appleby, Roger Farmer, Steven Hill and Matt Miller.
"Bill McKibben in Conversation with Susan Salter Reynolds"
Bill McKibben, author/activist, is the creator of
Article from LA Times blog.
The Science of 350, the Most Important Number on the Planet by Bill McKibben at Treehugger.
350.org and
10:10 Global are partnering together to sponsor a Global Work Party on 10/10. (from their website, 10:10 is a global campaign to reduce carbon emissions by 10% in a year – starting in 2010.) Hoping everyone will participate!
"Watching the Detectives" with April Smith, Elizabeth George, Susan Kandel, Lisa Lutz and Stuart Woods.
"#Book: New Media Meets Publishing" with Carolyn Kellogg, Pablo Defendini, Dana Goodyear and Wil Wheaton.
And ... the exciting news to wake up to this morning ... Hugh Hefner has donated the remaining monies needed to save the land the Hollywood sign is on from crazy developers. (Do other states build luxury homes, hanging from the sides of their mountains??? In earthquake and mudslide country. Ay yi yi.)