Sunday, June 20, 2010

Wearing my sleuthing cap

I had so much fun after my previous post for Rednesday and Vintage Thingie Thursday! Thursday evening I googled and found that my family genealogy (for my mother's mother's side of the family) is on the internet. Whoa. Wow!

I have a copy of the genealogy that a family member compiled and published in the 1932, so I already knew it's contents and the family lines but it was such a weird feeling to see one's own family on multiple genealogical sites.

I kind of thought of my family, well, as my own teehee! I was forgetting that we go back a long way in this country and there are many many branches of my family, reaching out through the years.

So that was really exciting to think that someone had entered all of our info online and the thought that there could possibly be updates since 1932.

And then I found that the same relative, who had written and published our genealogy, had also written a book about her growing up years in a town in Illinois. AND ... it was online for me to read!!!

Be still my beating heart.

I read a little ... virtually flipping page after page online ... found some charming photos and mentions of a few family members ... now I had real words, descriptions of my ancestors.

AND!!! I googled the title of her book and I found a copy to buy from a used book dealer.

Can you see me? Doing the happy dance over here!

Of course I snatched it up and I am now on Mail Carrier Alert, status HIGH ... book was mailed yesterday, MEDIA MAIL (slower than molasses post!), mail box stalking to begin in a week (I figure that's the earliest it could ever arrive, owing to a postal miracle!).

All my happiness is due to this lovely young lady, who in the later years of her life, took pen to paper ...

Happy Sunday to everyone!

And don't forget to check out the party at My Desert Cottage and visit all the places Where Bloggers Create! Hundreds of bloggers signed up to participate. Enjoy!


  1. How wonderful and timely! I am so thrilled that you had an author on one of your branches.
    It will be thrilling to have a book to hold woven with family magic! I'm jealous ;-D
    She is very lovely; I hope she can paint well, with her words. You have been painting a lot of magic over here, yourself~ xXx

  2. Hi Ellie!
    Thank you so much for your kind words, you're a big sweetie!
    Wishing you a lovely week,
