Last night we went to the Judith Owen and Harry Shearer Holiday Sing-A-Long and it was so much fun!
We didn't begin the evening in the best of shape - I had a splitting headache and my husband had been to the opthamologist and had had his eyes dilated for his exam and his pupils were HUGE! Which if you've had the experience is not fun, thankfully the house lights were low until nearly the end of the show.
As if that wasn't enough to put a holiday damper on the evening - the first two singers did Christmas songs that had been rearranged as jazz songs and I thought, UH OH, this is going to be a long night! Thankfully that changed immediately after and we never looked back into the strenuously slow and somber phrasing of holiday tunes again the rest of the evening.
Oh you guys! I wish you could have been there! For everyone who loves Christopher Guest's movies and Glee, Jane Lynch was there and she was wonderful and hysterical. For folk music lovers, Richard Thompson was there. For Spinal Tap lovers, Michael McKean was there with his actress wife, Annette O'Toole, who I've always loved and who knew she could sing and be so animated?! Julia Fordham (who I always remember of the song "Happy Ever After" with her gorgeous voice) and Julianna Raye were the jazzy ladies - lovely, just not what I expected when I thought of a holiday sing-a-long and all was well in the end teehee.
Harry Shearer did several funny songs and I swore I'd remember the titles so I could tell you all but they've left my silly old brain. Judith Owen (Harry Shearer's wife) wasn't able to be there but they showed a video of her and her singing was lovely and I want to find out all about her now.
So the first half of the show was the individual performers and after the intermission was the sing-a-long. SO MUCH FUN! Unlike the Beauty and the Beast sing-a-long we went to last year, where no one sang, I think everyone joined in this time.
The last song was the Twelve Days of Christmas and they divided us up into groups for each of the twelve days (except for Five Golden Rings, which we all did) and we were told to not only sing but to act out our Day AND that there would be prizes for the best. What a hoot! I wish I could describe the acting out of "Six geese a-laying" and "Eight maids a-milking"!!! bwahahhaha
The prizes were duly given out and of course they were kitschy and krazy and irreverant- reindeer poop chocolates, meshuguna mints and religious action figures etc.
So a wonderful evening was had by all, especially by the lady with a headache and her husband with the big eyeball thing going on.
Thinking of you all and wishing you lots of holiday joy!
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