I thought I'd share some personal bits and pieces from Christmases long ago for this Rednesday and Vintage Thingie Thursday.
I found this darling Christmas card my mom sent out when I was a baby. My mom liked to save one of each card she sent every Christmas, to remember them. Did your Mom do that? I wish I could find some of the others, what fun that would be!

acquaintances each year & she had the world's worst handwriting and
boy did she enjoy getting her holiday cards printed. I know you're
cringing if you're reading this Elizabeth, teehee!
My Dad is a Manufacturer's Rep for many companies - even still at the age of 92! Guess he knows his stuff, huh?! He traveled all the time when I was growing up and there were always the most fun postcards and letters for my brother and I.
Santa Claus
must be close
to here because
it's very cold.
From December 1960
must be close
to here because
it's very cold.
From December 1960

I sure do
miss you fellers and
I hope to be
home when you
get this letter.
Haven't seen
Santa Claus here
but it's cold enough
to be the North
Pole. Wish I hadn't
forgotten my long

If not delivered in (my dad wrote) - 2 YRS
return to (my dad wrote) - A. Nutt
address (my dad wrote) - Tent #3
state & country (my dad wrote) - Hooverville, USA
Christmas 1960
Are you old enough to remember Western Union?
If you're as old as dirt like I am, you may have received one of these too.

and minding your Mom and Dad.
My sleigh is loaded with lots of gifts,
to make you very glad.
I'll soon be leaving the cold
North Pole and heading down your way,
to leave these toys and things for you,
to have on Christmas day.
Merry Christmas,
Santa Claus
And my favorite thing of all, my stocking from when I was little.