Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

"Circa 1959, Times Square, Manhattan, NY: Macy Day Parade. Photo shows the “Turkey” one of the helium filled balloons on it’s way through Times Square. — Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS",
per the blog, Black Watch, here.

Wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving,
filled with family and friends and lots of pie!


  1. Hi There! good to see your still around. Since I last spoke to you my mother passed away. So... I have been wrapping my head around that. She was in Wisconsin, and already got rid of all her stuff so I didn’t have to deal with any of that ...Hope you are coming round and getting every thing sorted. Remember you can always call an estate sales company to do all that work for you...but maybe you need to do this. all the best.Cynthia

  2. I am glad you shared that old photo, I did not ever see it.
