Wednesday, October 29, 2014

halloween happy mail


Happy almost Halloweenie everyone! I only just got my cards addressed and off this morning. Ay yi yi. I had so much fun using old postage this year ... Alfred Hitchcock, Dracula, Phantom of the Opera and Legend of Sleepy Hollow, fun fun fun!  Alas I didn't get any cards made, ended up sending store bought ... the hands on the clock are moving ever faster and I'm moving ever slower. ARGH!

We are experiencing the mystery of the missing halloween decorations over here ... the Halloween tree has been located and last night a box labeled HALLOWEEN was found to cheers and applause but not the one with all my Halloween ornaments. WT Halloween hoohah is that all about? GHOSTS maybe?


  1. Oh how cute are those skeletons! I know, I just found a bag with more Halloween, and in a few days I'll be putting it away, lol.

    Do you get trick or treaters?

  2. I never got out my Halloween things either. Just a few fall items. Did send some cards myself yesterday. Happy Halloween!
