Please forgive me, my dear VTT friends, I won't be able to visit all of you and make comments today as I have done in the past. I am so overloaded with my father's Estate and I hope you will understand. I did want to share these things with you though as I've had so much fun participating in VTT and enjoyed all of you so much and miss you.
If you're a child of the fifties and sixties, you may well remember these things ...
My mom saved (almost) everything and here are my brother's Mickey Mouse bath toys, which were handed down to me. Gosh, I loved these so much at bath time!
Boy my brother was a lucky kid! He also had this fun Mickey Mouse Club Newsreel Camera.
Sadly it's missing a leg and won't stand up anymore ... sniffle sniffle boo hoooooooo
I also found two issues of my brothers Walt Disney's Magazine (formerly the Mickey Mouse Club Magazine), which I'll share down the road but I wanted to share two merchandise ads with you today since they have MM in them.
(I came across my brothers Mickey Mouse Club membership card and have no idea where I put it among the gazillion of boxes - hopefully it will resurface soon!)

That's made for you and me
Hey! there, Hi! there, Ho! there
You're as welcome as can be
Mickey Mouse!
Mickey Mouse!
Forever let us hold our banner
High! High! High! High!
Come along and sing a song
And join the jamboree!
Mickey Mouse club
We'll have fun
We'll be new faces
High! High! High! High!
We'll do things and
We'll go places
All around the world
We'll go marching
Who's the leader of the club
That's made for you and me
Hey! there, Hi! there, Ho! there
You're as welcome as can be
Mickey Mouse!
Mickey Mouse!
Forever let us hold our banner
High! High! High! High!
Come along and sing a song
And join the jamboree!